Cornelia Parker CBE RA
Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View
What do you think about Cornelia Parker’s work?
GIRL TALK looks at female artists through artworks and quotes from themselves, their friends, other people in the art world and kids just like you!
These comments are all about Cornelia Parker's installation Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View 1991:
Cornelia Parker, the artist, said about the work:
'This piece came out of a series of works I was doing about cartoon deaths – things like, things falling off cliffs, things being run over by a steam roller, things being blown up, shot full of bullets, like Roadrunner or Tom and Jerry.'
Lisa LeFeuvre, writer and curator, interviewed Cornelia Parker on her artistic style:
'There seems to be such an importance in your work...not just on the experience of what we see, but also in terms of the ‘how’ of it…How did this piece of work get made?'
Anna, school girl aged 11 from London, reacts to Parker’s work:
'Wow! That’s crazy! There are so many bits! Where is the light coming from? I would love to be in it!'
Quotes are from the audio transcript of Cornelia Parker talking about Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View and Talking Art: Cornelia Parker, a 2008 event at Tate.