We caught up with a few past Tate Collective contributors and asked them introduce us to someone they admire and think is 'one to watch'.
Joey Yu has been a Tate Collective Producer since 2013, programming events, running workshops and featuring in our films. Here she catches up with her up and comer, artist noiamreiss, who she connected with through Instagram long before this first meeting IRL. Watch the pair talk through their work, the power of the internet, what art means to them and where they think it’s headed.
Directed by filmmaker Nadira Amrani, this is the second of our series of Artist Meets films, showing conversations between old and new Tate Collective friends.

Joey Yu by Rosie Matheson

noiamreiss by Rosie Matheson
Who is your one to watch?
We will be asking Tate Collective for suggestions on who we should be working with in 2019 and beyond.
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